4 min read

Understanding YAML: A Comprehensive Guide

Let's explore what's a YAML file is and see if it is only used as a configuration file.
Understanding YAML: A Comprehensive Guide
Photo by Ian Taylor / Unsplash


The first time I saw YAML, my brain screamed: "What's this?". 

YAML stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language" or sometimes "Yet Another Markup Language."

It uses a human-readable data serialization format as a configuration file and exchange between languages with different data structures. 

In this article, we'll delve into the basics of YAML, explore its syntax, discuss its applications, and highlight popular editors for working with YAML files.

What is YAML?

YAML is a straightforward and human-readable data serialization language. 

Unlike complex markup languages like XML, YAML aims to be simple and easily understandable. 

YAML's syntax structure is minimalistic and clean, making it accessible to developers and non-developers.

Is it a Programming Language?

No, YAML is not a programming language. 

It is a data serialization language that facilitates data exchange between programs or programming languages. 

While YAML includes features for representing data structures like lists, dictionaries, and scalars, it doesn't have the power of a programming language, such as loops and conditionals.

Developers commonly use YAML for configuration files due to its human-friendly syntax. 

These configuration files help define settings and parameters for management and maintainability.

File Extension of YAML Files

YAML files typically use the ".yaml" or ".yml" file extension.

This convention makes identifying and working with YAML files easy across different systems and development environments.

For example, a configuration file for a web application might be named config.yaml or settings.yml.

Formatting of a YAML File

YAML files use indentation to represent the structure of data. 

Here's a quick overview of YAML's basic formatting:


Using strings or numbers without special characters. 

For example:

name: John Doe
age: 30


An ordered sequence of items is represented using a hyphen ("-") followed by a space.

For example:

  - apple
  - banana
  - orange


Unordered sets of key-value pairs are represented using key-value pairs.

For example:

  name: Alice
  age: 25

Nested Structures

YAML allows the nesting of structures within one another.

For example:

      name: Bob
      position: developer
        - project1
        - project2

YAML's use of indentation is crucial for determining the hierarchy and relationships between different elements within the file.

YAML in Various Use Cases

Let's delve into specific use cases where YAML plays a crucial role:

Configuration Files

In software development, YAML shines as a preferred format for configuration files.

Numerous applications and frameworks leverage YAML to streamline the configuration process.

Whether Kubernetes configuration files, Docker Compose files, or settings for different programming languages, YAML provides a concise and readable syntax for specifying parameters.

Data Serialization

YAML's primary strength lies in its readability, making it an excellent choice for serializing data.

It serves as a bridge between disparate programming languages, facilitating seamless data exchange.

Developers can easily read and write YAML, making it a favored format for representing complex data structures in a human-friendly manner.

Automation and Orchestration

YAML is instrumental in automation scripts and orchestration workflows.

Tools like Ansible leverage YAML syntax to define playbooks, enabling users to articulate intricate tasks and configurations succinctly.

The human-readable nature of YAML fosters collaboration and ease of maintenance in automation processes.

CI/CD Pipelines

CI/CD pipelines benefit greatly from YAML-based configuration.

Platforms like GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and others allow users to define build and deployment workflows using YAML. 

This technique facilitates the representation of complex processes and fosters transparency in the CI/CD landscape.

Cloud Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

YAML finds a crucial role in Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation utilize YAML to describe and provision cloud resources, which allows for the definition of infrastructure in a declarative manner, promoting consistency and reproducibility.

Editors for YAML

Several text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) support YAML, providing features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and error checking.

Here are some popular editors for working with YAML files:


Vim is a highly configurable text editor known for its efficiency and versatility.

Many developers prefer Vim for its powerful command-line interface and extensive plugin ecosystem.

To work with YAML in Vim, users can install plugins like vim-yaml to enable syntax highlighting and improve the overall YAML editing experience.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Visual Studio Code is a popular, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft.

Moreover, it supports various programming languages and file formats, including YAML. VSCode provides robust YAML language support, with features like syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, and error checking.

Extensions like "YAML Support" further enhance the editor's capabilities when working with YAML files.


Atom is a modern, hackable text editor developed by GitHub.

It is known for its ease of use and extensive library of community-created packages.

Atom supports YAML natively, offering features like syntax highlighting and autocompletion for YAML files. 

Users can customize their Atom experience by installing packages such as "language-yaml" for additional functionality.

GitHub Editor

GitHub provides an online code editor within its platform, allowing users to create, edit, and commit changes to repositories directly on the web.

The GitHub editor supports YAML, making it convenient for users to manage and modify YAML files within their repositories.

It also integrates seamlessly with GitHub's version control features, simplifying developer collaboration.


With its human-readable syntax and broad applicability, YAML has become a preferred choice for configuration files and data exchange in the software development ecosystem.

Understanding the basics of YAML formatting and utilizing appropriate editors can significantly enhance working efficiency with YAML files.

Whether configuring a web application or exchanging data between systems, YAML provides a clean and accessible way to represent structured information.

As development tools continue to evolve, the support for YAML will likely grow, making it an essential skill for developers and system administrators.

I hope you have enjoyed this article. Till next time, happy programming and happy cloud computing!

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