2 min read

Understanding Essential Kubernetes Commands

Explore the fundamental commands of Kubernetes, such as minikube start, kubectl cluster-info, and more, to gain a foundational understanding of how to set up, manage, and monitor containerized applications in a Kubernetes environment.
Understanding Essential Kubernetes Commands
Photo by Growtika / Unsplash


Developers and administrators use the command-line tool kubectl to interact with a Kubernetes cluster.

In addition, minikube is commonly used to set up a local, single-node Kubernetes cluster for development and testing purposes.

Let's explore some fundamental commands to navigate and interact with a Kubernetes cluster.

The command "minikube start"

The minikube start command launches a local Kubernetes cluster using minikube

It provides a lightweight and easy-to-use tool to run Kubernetes clusters on a single machine.

Running this command initializes a virtual machine, configures the necessary components, and sets up a local Kubernetes environment for development and testing.

minikube start

minikube start

The command "kubectl cluster-info"

After starting minikube, you can use kubectl cluster-info to get information about the Kubernetes cluster.

This command displays the cluster's endpoint and the services running on it.

It provides a quick overview of the cluster's status.

kubectl cluster-info

kubectl cluster-info

The command "kubectl get nodes"

The kubectl get nodes command is used to view the Kubernetes cluster nodes.

Nodes are the individual machines (or virtual machines) that form the cluster.

This command displays information about each node, such as its name, status, and various resource utilization metrics.

kubectl get nodes

kubectl get nodes

The command "kubectl get namespaces"

Kubernetes uses namespaces to organize and isolate resources within a cluster.

The kubectl get namespaces command lists all the namespaces present in the cluster.

Namespaces are particularly useful in multi-tenant environments where multiple teams or applications share the same cluster.

kubectl get namespaces

The command "kubectl get pods -A"

Pods are the basic building blocks in Kubernetes, representing the most minor deployable units.

The kubectl get pods -A command shows a list of pods across all the cluster's namespaces (-A flag), a handy way to check the status of all running pods.

kubectl get pods -A

kubectl get pods -A

The command "kubectl get services -A"

Services in Kubernetes provide a stable endpoint to access a set of pods.

The kubectl get services -A command displays information about all services in the cluster, including their names, types, cluster IP addresses, and ports.

kubectl get services -A

kubectl get services -A


These commands offer a foundational understanding of a Kubernetes cluster's structure and status.

They are valuable tools for developers and administrators working with containerized applications and microservices in a Kubernetes environment.

As you delve deeper into Kubernetes, you'll discover additional commands and concepts that enhance your ability to effectively manage and monitor your applications.

I hope you have enjoyed this article. Till next time, happy programming and happy cloud computing!

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