2 min read

Understanding Controllers in ASP.NET Core MVC: Front Controllers and Page Controllers

Explore ASP.NET Core MVC's Controller Types: Uncover the distinctions between Front Controllers and Page Controllers for effective web application development.
Understanding Controllers in ASP.NET Core MVC: Front Controllers and Page Controllers
Photo by Michal Ilenda / Unsplash


When delving into ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET Core MVC, developers often encounter terms like "front controller" and "page controller."

In this article, we'll explore the concepts of controllers within the MVC architecture, shedding light on their roles and distinctions.

The Role of Controllers in ASP.NET Core MVC

In ASP.NET Core MVC, controllers are essential handling user requests and orchestrating the interaction between models and views.

At its core, MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. 

This MVC is a design pattern that separates concerns into three interconnected components.

As part of this pattern, controllers act as intermediaries (it works like an orchestrator), processing user input, interacting with the data model, and determining the appropriate view to render.

The MVC Framework as a Front Controller

One key concept to grasp is a "front controller."

In general architecture, a front controller is a single entry point responsible for handling all incoming requests.

In ASP.NET Core, the MVC framework itself acts as a front controller.

Upon receiving a request, the MVC framework routes it to the corresponding controller and action method based on the URL, ensuring a centralized and organized approach to request handling.

Revealing the Front Controller Pattern

The front controller pattern simplifies the request-handling process by consolidating it into a single controller.

ASP.NET Core embraces this pattern, making it an integral part of the framework's architecture.

This centralization helps maintain a clean and modular codebase, enhancing the overall structure of web applications built with ASP.NET Core MVC.

Page Controllers: Navigating Beyond the MVC Norm

While the term "page controller" is not commonly used within the ASP.NET Core MVC context, the concept is worth exploring. 

ASP.NET Core MVC follows the traditional MVC pattern, and controllers handle various actions. At the same time, the routing system within the framework decides the suitable controller and action based on the incoming request's URL.

While ASP.NET Core uses the page controller pattern, it introduces a different approach, where each page or view has its dedicated controller.


Understanding controllers in ASP.NET Core MVC is fundamental to building robust and maintainable web applications.

The MVC pattern and the front controller concept provide a structured approach to handling user requests and separating concerns within an application.

While "page controller" may not be as explicitly used in ASP.NET Core MVC, the framework's adherence to the traditional MVC pattern ensures a coherent and organized development experience.

As you embark on your ASP.NET Core MVC journey, remember the pivotal role controllers play in orchestrating the flow of your application.

Whether you're embracing the front controller pattern or exploring the depths of controllers will empower you to create web applications that are functional but also maintainable and scalable.